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The Story of an Hour
High school assignment adapting "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, in which a would-be widow, haunted by the alleged death of her husband, realizes she would actually be better off without him. Unfortunately her husband is not dead, but the shock of seeing him alive gives her a heart attack, represented by the giant fist at the end; my favorite part.
Black Knight
This film is a combination of stop motion animation and time-lapse photography, and features a soundtrack mixed with Avid Pro Tools and over ten tracks of sound effects, Foley, and vocals. It was the final project in my Experimental Filmmaking course at the University of Tampa, and won best experimental film at the Black Box Film Festival that year.
This film was fun to make, because it involved not cutting together but cutting apart and then reassembling an old 1947 film about how to be popular. I chose the film because it was so easy to manipulate and make fun of. Hence the fun I had making it.
Fallen Dreams
This was an experimental film involving multiple layers with transparency, creating a dreamlike aesthetic for my cat, who was trying to sleep but kept getting bothered by noises in the film. In reality, the cat and the storm had nothing to do with each other, having been shot separately and then juxtaposed through the magic of editing.
This was a college film project that involved using a couple of stock video clips to piece together an original concept, designed to hone our editing techniques. I structured mine to resemble a movie trailer, and used the slow-motion clips of the little girl to suggest a flashback. The rest of it is pretty arbitrary.
Paper Mario Kart
Digital Arts assignment that pretty much everyone in the class hated. It involved rotoscoping, an incredibly tedious task that requires every individual frame of video to be altered one by one. I made it worth my while by featuring a Mario Kart track, before the game was even released, and painted Mario's body and kart to make him look hand-drawn.
Advanced Spin Effects
An early foray into Adobe After Effects, following a tutorial by Video Copilot. The motion of the spinning circles is dictated by an audio file, so in a way this is just a fancy music visualization, but it has other more film-related uses such as dynamic lighting and good ol' visual effects.
Performance Art
Art and Technology project based on a performance art piece. I filmed it in such a way that it could be edited down into a short story, and even though I only went through the scene once (otherwise it wouldn’t really be performance art), there was plenty of time to get a wide variety of shots. This mostly had to do with the fact that I spent way too much time writing my message.
Natural Chaos
Project for Art and Technology, in which the assignment was to use various visual effects on random pieces of footage. For the effects I used Adobe Premiere Pro, and for my subject I used my cat, because I always use my cat, let's be honest.