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Air Force
A summer project that started out as an innocent experiment and ended up being one of the most comprehensive animations I've ever worked on. The ships were animated individually frame-by-frame to light up, and the enemy mothership was hand-drawn. The entire second scene was added only after I looked at a finished version and realized it could be a lot more intense, and the sound design took almost as long as the animation.
The Training Zone
As I became more comfortable with Flash, I wanted to make an animation that was more in the style of other Flash animations I had seen, featuring hand-drawn stick figures doing action moves and interacting with objects in one fluid motion. It's very important to include lasers in your animation as well, so I made sure to throw some in there.
Boston Breeze
A high school project that has the distinction of being my first Flash animation. The software was very new to me and I was eager to try it out, so when my Chemistry teacher mentioned a video assignment, I volunteered to do an animation. The assignment was to pitch an alternative energy solution to our school, and we ended up winning the school-wide competition for this project.
How to Draw a Cat
This is one of my all-time favorites, and was inspired by a drawing done by a girl in my high school film class. She drew a cat and a dinosaur, and they looked so good together I just couldn’t bring myself to keep them apart.
Classic Rivalry
Two tall mountain peaks... One final battle... No victors...?

What a twist!
Flash Inside Flash
This was inspired by Alan Becker’s Animator vs. Animation series, which has inspired many animators who work with Flash. The technique is tricky, but luckily Mr. Becker shares his wisdom openly through various informative tutorials, which were invaluable to me while tackling this project.
Pivot Randomness
This is what happens when you decide to put all of your pivot animations on YouTube only to realize that you have way too many and it would actually be faster to edit them together into one video than publish them individually.
Bob Goes to the Park
Poor Bob...
Titanium Whale Fish
I drew this in French class one day and it was so detailed I had to scan it in and do something with it. That’s right, French class.