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Electronic Music Final
Final Project for an Electronic Music course I took at UT. This was incredibly fun to make because I got to use an actual keyboard to input the notes, and choose from a wide variety of instruments in Logic Pro.
Tears of Joy
One of my all-time favorite compositions, and surprisingly, one of the very first compositions I ever made. Unfortunately this means it was made on sub-par software, but it still gives me chills every time I listen to it.
I stumbled across these chords one day and just couldn’t get them out of my head, so I had to write them down. Don't ask me where I got the title.
It's Dark. I love it.
Bottle Cap Blues
Made with a cool online program called MusicShake.
Mimiga Village
This piece was originally composed by Daisuke Amaya, and is my favorite composition from his critically acclaimed game, Cave Story. I loved the piece so much I had to arrange it for orchestral instruments, since that’s how I heard it in my head whenever I listened to it in the game.
Mario Frivolity
I actually did this without knowing what the original sounded like. I was going off of a piano arrangment, in a midi file. The tune is from Super Mario Bros. 2.

If you haven't guessed already, I love Nintendo.