Emma "Cielsnowdrop" Ronge
Emma "Ciel Snowdrop" Ronge is one of the USS Game Studio's founders as well as a lead designer, programmer, and writer. Majoring in animation and specializing in character design and screenwriting.
Elijah "Aftergrove" Burgos
Elijah "Aftergrove" Burgos is one of the USS Game Studio's founders as well as a lead designer, programmer, and writer. Majoring in new media and specializing in game development asset and environment design.
Caspian "AConspiracy" Schultz
Caspian "AConspiracy" Schultz is one of the USS Game Studio's members and lead sound artist. Minoring in new media and specializing in sound affects and ambiance noise with additional focuses on programming and environment design.
Faith "WormOnaString" Jastrow
Faith "WormOnaString" Jastrow is one of the currently USS Game Studio's members and lead writer. Specializing in design with a focus on character design with additional focuses on writing.
Billy "B119" Alexander
Billy "B119" Alexander is one of the current USS Game Studio's members and a lead musician and soundtrack artist. Majoring in music and focusing on background music and game soundtrack with additional focuses on programming and screenwriting.