The Film, Animation and New Media department aims:
- To prepare majors for professional art/design careers or graduate study in film, animation and new media through Bachelor of Fine Arts programs.
- To foster students’ development as artists/designers in the fields of film, animation and new media and to inspire and educate for an expanded quality of life.
- To provide opportunities for students to intersect digital and film studio production with other fields through elective offerings, through a liberal arts degree in film and through minors in all major areas.
- To provide students opportunities to explore established disciplines in film, animation and new media, while breaking ground with new works or approaches.
- To provide students opportunities to explore experimental, documentary, narrative, animation and interactive media.
- To provide a rich educational experience to students within the digital media arts.
- To enrich the UT community with visiting artist, filmmaker, animation and new media professionals who speak on campus in public programs.
- To enrich the Tampa Bay arts community by hosting public showcases of film, animation and new media.
- To serve the greater national and international community through programs, educational outreach and scholarly creativity.
- To establish curricula and creative artists who produce work within the vanguard of the 21st