title name
As a creative, I view risks and freedom as equals and use them as vessels to embrace the unfamiliar through my work. As a senior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Advertising and Public Relations, I’ve gotten to exploit and fine tune all of my creative skills to the best of my abilities. Artistically I like leaping into many different areas including branding, digital illustrations, graphic design, content creation, and painting. As a Honduran abroad, I am passionate about different cultures and languages. I am an inventive, broad-minded, and meticulous young lady that loves to take on any challenges that come my way. Through my experience I have become confident enough to say that I never fail to surprise myself and surely will surprise you too.
lemon me lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon hand juice orange bella haz balvin mau
I have a thing for walls.
Colors are my favorite form of expression.
Pancakes are the way to my heart.
My favorite color changes daily.
fresh camp1 camp2 camp3 camp4 camp5 camp6 sofresh bird bird bird masa masa masa Aquaria Aquaria Aquaria kahwa kahwa kahwa proyecto proyecto proyecto zucco zucco zucco instagramlink linkedinlink portfoliolink