That Night in Tampa

Yeah, that's a traffic jam
Sea of People
Street View
Is he going to jump?
He really did...
Need a towel, or a mic?
Brady's Boat
Starship IV
On February 7th, 2021, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were able to win the Super Bowl at their home city in Tampa. They hadn’t won the biggest trophy in the NFL in over 15 years. In truly what could be a once-in-a-lifetime event, the city came alive in celebration. These are some moments from That Night in Tampa. (hint, hover over a title to see the corresponding video!)
Once the game ended, the red fireworks were launched over Raymond James Stadium in celebration of the Super Bowl win! Sadly I couldn’t go to the game, but Brevard still had a nice view of the fireworks!
After hearing the commotion, I decided to see some of the celebrations going on! While walking across the bridge, one thing was quite clear...traffic was not getting through.
Once I got to the intersection, I saw why the traffic wasn't moving. I never expected to see so many people there in the first place, but this guy in particular stood out to me, as he was climbing on top of a stoplight!
I was able to get up and get a more aerial view of the street. A true sea of people occupied the intersection, and they also managed to get a street sign somehow.
I was able to get close and get some really nice photos and videos of the entire thing (and don’t worry, I made sure to have my mask on at all times!) A toilet paper roll is also tossed in frame further away, keep an eye out for it!
While on my way back to my dorm from the street celebrations, I noticed that someone was on the bridge...ready to jump...was he actually going to do it?
Yes, he jumped off the bridge. It’s a far drop, but he was ok! He was able to get out of the water and climb back up. It may have been a stupid decision, and possibly influenced by some alcohol, but he has my eternal respect for pulling that off.
He was in good spirits after risking his life for that jump! The first thing you’d normally want after doing something like that is probably a towel…but in his case he got an interview!
These celebrations lasted longer than one night though. A few days later, the Bucs had a fun boat parade to celebrate the super bowl win! I managed to get a good spot by the river to see everyone pass by in their boats. I managed to get his video of the man, the myth, the legend, Tom Brady! Hint, he's in front of the window!
Brady had his own private boat, but other players shared different ones, like this Starship 4. A lot of players were celebrating as this boat passed by. Locals also brought their own boats out and traveled along with the teams. I have to say, using boats like this instead of a championship bus is actually a lot easier!