You have woken up from a restless night's sleep. You check your phone but there's no service. The T.V. is on in the other room, when you get closer a message can be seen streaking accross the screen. "Our worst nightmares have become reality, zombies roam the Earth." You still have what seems to be clean water and electricity but when you look out the window from your 12th floor apartment and see utter chaos. What do you do? (Start at One)
Leave your room. Go to 2...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
All forms of communication are gone. What do you do?
Move quickly. Go to 4...
Move quietly. Go to 5...
You hear faint groaning from down the hallway. You decide to head for the stairwell. Do you?
Leave your room. Go to 2...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
All forms of communication are gone. What do you do?
You hunker down and hope that help comes before you run out of food. Go to 6...
Move quietly. Go to 5...
You take apart the wardrobe and T.V. stand to board up the door. Hammering the planks to the door frame.
As you decsend you begin to hear a similar sound coming from below. Go to 7...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You quickly make your way to the stairwell but you can hear the shuffle of footsteps behind you.
Search the floor. Go to 8...
Continue down. Go to 9...
You make it to the stairs slowly but surely and you dont think whatever that groaning was noticed you.
After a few floors you do not hear any noise coming from the hallway through the stairwell entrance. Do you?
Eventually, the door gives way and five zombies invade your room. Go to 10...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
As night sets in you feel confident in your barricade until a loud banging sound starts coming from the other side.
You try to go back up to realize you are being pinned by another five zombies behind you. Go to 10...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
Your fears are confirmed as three zombies are heading up the stairs toward you.
Although, you find a machete in one of the rooms and continue down the stairs. Go to 11...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
On the floor you do not find anything living, or dead.
Investigate the noise. Go to 12...
Continue down. Go to 13...
After descending a few more floors you hear a quiet whimpering coming from down the hallway through the stairwell entrance. Do you?
Leave your room. Go to 2...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You have succumb to the hoard. THE END
Investigate the noise. Go to 12...
Continue down. Go to 13...
After descending a few more floors you hear a quiet whimpering coming from down the hallway through the stairwell entrance. Do you?
Save the dog. Go to 16...
Leave the dog to it's fate. Go to 17...
Theres a german shepherd cowering in the corner from a zombie! Do you?
Unfortunately you were not as quick as you thought because one of the zombies grabs you and holds you while the other closes in. Go to 10...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You finally get to the apartment entrance.
Two zombies block your way but you think if you are fast enough you can run by them.
Save the dog. Go to 18...
Leave the dog to it's fate. Go to 19...
Theres a german shepherd cowering in the corner from a zombie! Do you?
You slash at the first zombie taking him down but the machete gets caught as the other closes in and grabs you from behind. Go to 10...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You finally get to the apartment entrance.
Two zombies block your way but you have the machete.
As the zombie closes in on you, you watch the dog run into the stairwell and you wonder if your sacrifice was in veign. Go to 10...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You run over and shove the zombie out of the way giving the dog a chance to escape.
Unfortunatley in doing this you slip and fall to the ground next to the zombie.
After all, only the strongest survive in situations like this. Go to 13...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You see the zombie closing in on the dog as you continue down the stairs.
As you continue down the stairs, he follows you close behind. Go to 20...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
With all your might you charge the zombie and with one clean slash the creature goes down.
The dog comes over to you and on its tag is the name Rex.
After all, only the strongest survive in situations like this. Go to 15...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You see the zombie closing in on the dog as you continue down the stairs.
You slash at the first zombie taking him down but the machete gets caught as the other closes in and grabs you from behind.
Although, before the zombie bites you, Rex lunges at it pulling it off your back.
This gives you the opportunity to pull out the machete and cleave its head clean off.
Go to 21...
You finally get to the apartment entrance.
Two zombies block your way but you have the machete and Rex is on your tail.
Leave your room. Go to 2...
Board up your door. Go to 3...
You step out of the entrance doors to the streets outside and it is completely void of life.
It looks as though it is about midday judging by the position of the sun.
Faint groaning noises are heard in the background as you and your new companion walk through the rows of empty cars,
beginning your journey through the zombie apocalypse.